
Case Study: Coach Chris Confidence

Control the Quality of the Products and Services Your Business Provides to Your Clients

At Coach Chris Confidence (CCC) teaching water safety is their core mission. Coach Chris’s philosophy is built on teaching students individually, one student at a time.

When her business first started in January of 2018, Coach Chris had no idea that she would need to rely on technology to help ensure that her students were receiving the best training possible. Her business quickly expanded requiring Coach Chris to begin looking for more coaches than just herself to handle the volume of students on her waiting list.

Initially, the additional coaches worked with Chris while she was in the pool with them. But as the volume of students grew, Coach Chris knew that she could not attend every lesson or be with each coach on a daily basis.

The solution she found was to work with a regional security company called M3T Corporation. They provided Coach Chris with a cloud-based video solution and three cameras at the facility.

The first camera in the parking lot was set to record at an industry-standard quality and provided Chris and all her clients the Peace of Mind knowing their vehicle and the parking lot were being recorded.

The second camera was installed inside the hallway between the outer wall of the building and the pool area allowing Coach Chris to see that her clients came into the pool area through the correct door and did not wander to other parts of the building where they are not authorized to be.

The third and final camera was installed in the pool area to capture all the activity going on in the water and on the pool deck. This camera was set to record at a high-definition full frame rate providing Coach Chris extreme detail when she views live or recorded video. This third camera has been the game-changer for Coach Chris to monitor her coaches live as well as to use clips of recorded video in their training.

                When COVID-19 hit Coach Chris again turned to M3T Corporation for help in addressing the challenges this virus brought to the business community.

Coach Chris designated a single building entrance for her clients and installed a card reader an electric lock and a power door operator so that her students could use an APP on their phone and the door would automatically open allowing them to enter the building without touching a single surface.

An additional automatic operator was installed on the pool door so students could leave their automobile and enter the water without ever touching a common surface. Wave-to-open sensors on the inside of each of these doors allow the students to exit the facility again without touching any common areas.

The access control system allows Coach Chris to see which of her students have come for lessons and when they arrive. M3T helps Coach Chris by managing the system for her making requested changes as needed to reflect the changing needs of her clients as they schedule and reschedule their lessons.

As Coach Chris Confidence grows into new facilities and additional coaches, Coach Chris will continue to rely on the cloud-based technology to ensure her customers are receiving the best training possible, so they are safe in the water.

Coach Chris Confidence