
Keeping Security Programs Relevant

You are hard at work on your computer or device and it crashes, or you receive a message pop-up saying, “A software update is ready to install”. You’re busy, so you click “Cancel” instead of “Update now”, thinking you will do it later and continue to work, but do you go back and update?

The truth is it’s easy to skip software updates because they can take up a few minutes of our time, can be too expensive, or may not seem to be that important. But that is the mistake many of us make. Not updating your device can open the door to invite hackers to access all your private information or else lose all your saved data.

You may have heard of the 2017 Equifax data breach, in which over 140 million Americans were affected with Social Security, birth dates, and home addresses exposed. The hackers were able to access the company’s data because two months before the breach, the company failed to update its software. Software updates are important because they often include critical patches to security gaps. They are targeted to making the user experience better, and while repeated update reminders can be annoying, they can improve your experience in the long run and ensure that you get the most of your technology.

Aimee Mathin

Account Manager